New Work Table

I haven’t built this yet - surprise!

I want a larger work surface in my garage. Here are the problems I’m trying to solve:

  • I need my power tools accessible or I won’t use them. I should be able to use them in less than a minute of set up.

  • I want this table to be roughly 4’ x 8’ without obstructions on the surface.

  • for long cuts, a table saw needs something to support the work after it passes through the blade, like an out feed table.

  • Table saw, router table, and thickness planer all need a large surface or at least space in order to work well.

  • Dust collection is a huge pain.

  • the top needs to be able to take a beating - remember that I’m lazy.

  • it needs to be able to move when I want it to

  • it needs to not move when I don’t want it to

  • it needs to be very heavy

Here’s my design so far:

Front View

Top View

Back View

While writing this, I’ve decided the top will be 2x4’s on their side, with threaded rods passed through and glued together. Probably pine or spruce - whichever is cheaper.
The surface will be just shy of even with the table saw top. It needs T-track and dog holes for clamps and such.
I’m also rethinking the planer pass through… when I’m using my planer, I’m standing on the side and passing wood through. It may be better to just have a shelf that I sits on and I move it to the surface when I need it.

Anyway… let me know what you think - what am I missing?


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