Leatherman Finder

I have a problem. I use my Leatherman multitool all the time. Also, as a separate data point, my Leatherman is the thing I most frequently lose track of!

How, you ask? IDK! I feel like I keep it with me all the time and then I’ll look down and it’s gone. I probably placed it somewhere where I wouldn’t lose it. Which means it’s lost. Related: Losing things gives me great anxiety especially important things.

I’ve spent days not knowing where it was. only do eventually find it in my garage under a pile of sawdust or whatever. “Can’t you just be more organized?” Nope. No matter how hard I try or what rules I put in place, I always lose track of this item.

A few days ago, I lost it again. AGAIN. It spent a few hours on and off throughout the day searching high and low. Where was it? In the Dragon Chair, squished into the corner. It had fallen out of my phone while I was lounging/procrastinating and was gone forever.

After much frustration, I started looking into tag trackers. Apple AirTags, Tiles, etc - I could use any of these and attach it to the eye hook attachment on my Leatherman. I didn’t want something bulky like those. I needed something smaller.

Orbit ( https://findorbit.com/ ) has a product called Orbit Glasses. They are small, one way object trackers. Using the Orbit app, I can make the tag ring when I’m within bluetooth range. Good enough for me. Every 30 seconds or minute or so, the app checks for the device and puts a pin on a map where it was last seen!

Voila! A Leatherman tracker!

It took me a bit to get it set up. My tag needed to be reset, but I didn’t know how. You reset the device by shorting out the two charging pins. It will beep and then needs to be put back on the charger. Once I reset it, it connected to the app and all is working swell!

Some of the benefits:

  • Long battery life - up to 30 days

  • Battery life can be viewed in the app

  • Small - Do I wish it was slightly smaller? Yes

  • Left behind alerts

  • Don’t need to remove it to charge


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